What is a Vagus Nerve Pacemaker?
Vagus Nerve Pacemaker or Vagal Nerve Stimulation is a method used to control seizures that usually occur in epilepsy. Within the scope of this method, the electrode applied to the Vagus nerve, which runs next to the carotid artery in the neck, is connected to a battery source and the electrical currents produced suppress the abnormal activity in the brain.
Clinical studies conducted in recent years and the successful results obtained have revealed that the Vagus Nerve Pill is an extremely effective method in the treatment of depression, inflammatory diseases and also pain problems.
What diseases is the Vagus Nerve Pacemaker used to treat?
Diseases that are treated with Vagus Nerve Pacemaker therapy and the symptoms related to these diseases are listed as follows:
Cerebral palsy (stroke)
Rheumatoid arthritis
Ulcerative colitis
Atrial Fibrillation
Cognitive Impairment
Prader-Willi Syndrome
Sleep Disorders
Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
Crohn’s Disease
Vagus Nerve Pacemaker can be safely applied to all patients who do not get results with traditional treatments.
Effective in both mental and physical problems
The vagus nerve, which runs next to the carotid artery in the neck, is closely related to sensory and psychological processes related to pain. For this reason, Vagus Vagal Nerve Stimulation, or Vagus Pulse as it is commonly known, is an extremely effective method used in the treatment of treatment-resistant epilepsy, depression, inflammatory diseases, and many other conditions that cause pain. is

Function of the vagus nerve
The largest and thickest nerve in our body,It is the vagus nerve. The 10th cranial nerve, the vagus, has parasympathetic effect. It combines autonomic, sensory and motor information from the 4 vagal nuclei and carries them to many internal organs. The afferent fibers of the vagal nerve end in the solitary nucleus in the brainstem, from which it gives many branches to different brain regions.
Myelinated A and B fibers of the vagus carry somatosensory, motor, and autonomic signals, and this complex system plays a key role in inflammatory, immune, pain, and psychological processes. Neuronal imaging It has been determined that when the vagus is stimulated with these methods, neuronal activity occurs in the centers that control sensory and psychological processes related to pain.yöntemleri ile vagus uyarıldığında ağrı ile ilişkili duyusal ve ruhsal süreçleri kontrol eden merkezlerde nöronal aktivitenin oluştuğu saptanmıştır.
Vagus nerve stimulation has been shown to be highly effective in treatment-resistant epilepsy, depression, and inflammatory diseases via the multiple systems controlled by the vagus nerve.
Vagus stimulation is also effective in the treatment of many painful conditions. Although the exact mechanism of action is not known, regulation of the autonomic and immune systems and reduction of the release of chemical mediators that cause inflammation appear to be the basic physiological mechanisms.
How is Vagus Nerve Pacemaker applied?
Vagus Nerve Pacemaker treatment is performed in two different ways. In the first option, an electrode is surgically placed on the Vagus nerve in the neck and connected to a battery source; the electrical currents given from here suppress normal activity in the brain. The Vagus Nerve Battery shows its effect by stimulating A and B myelinated fibers. The control of autonomic and inflammatory signals by the vagus allows the control of pain as well as accompanying sleep disorders, depression, and mood changes. It also protects the patient from many chemical drugs and their side effects used for each of these. The total treatment period is planned as 4-8 weeks. Another option is to use the Vagus Nerve Stimulation Device externally without the need for surgery. This device, which is attached to the ear, provides electrical stimulation to the vagus nerve and is effective in the treatment of diseases.