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Back Pains

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    Back Pains

    Back pain is a common pain that can occur for various reasons in people of all ages, both men and women. According to research, one in every five people experiences back pain at some point in their lives.

    Stress is an important factor in chronic back pain. The prevalence of back pain increases with age. Back pain, which negatively affects quality of life, is mostly related to muscle problems and is temporary. However, it should not be forgotten that these pains can also be a sign of more serious diseases.

    What is back pain?

    Pain that occurs due to the tension and compression of the muscles in the back area is considered back pain. Back pain is usually caused by stress. It usually goes away on its own within a few days without any intervention. Back pain is a health problem that is usually neglected by patients, but in cases that do not go away on their own within a few days, a specialist doctor should definitely be consulted.

    Causes of Back Pain

    Back pain can occur due to a variety of reasons. The most common cause of back pain is a sedentary lifestyle and poor posture. People who work at a desk all the time and those who do not exercise regularly experience back pain. Other causes of back pain can be listed as follows:

    • Injuries/Traumas
    • Fibromyalgia disease
    • Hernia in the back area
    • Osteoporosis (Bone Thinning)
    • Rheumatic diseases that cause bone, joint and muscle pain
    • Scoliosis, kyphosis-like deformities
    • Benign or malignant tumors found in the spinal region
    • Disorders that occur in joints and discs with advanced age
    • Referred pain originating from different organs in the body and affecting the back area
    • Metabolic and microbial disorders

    Diagnosis of back pain

    In the diagnosis of back pain, findings that indicate that the pain may be a sign of a different disease are particularly looked for. These findings, called red flags, are as follows: Pain that occurs before the age of 20 and after the age of 50 Pain that does not go away with rest and correct posture adjustments Pain that tends to become chronic and increases in severity Pain that wakes you up at night Different problems such as fever, rash, and weight loss seen together with the pain Morning stiffness and stiffness Body deformities The patient has recently had a bacterial disease Loss of strength in the legs The patient has osteoporosis How is back pain treated? Rest, posture adjustments, and simple painkillers may be sufficient for the treatment of mild types of pain. Special exercises are helpful in back pain. However, exercise alone is not sufficient in the treatment of chronic, severe, challenging, and mobility-limiting back pain. The following methods are effective in this type of pain:

    • Medications (Depending on the severity of the pain, non-steroidal medications, muscle relaxants, and medications containing opioids can be used under the supervision of a doctor.)
    • Nerve blocks
    • Steroid injections
    • Radiofrequency applications

    What are the methods of protection from back pain?

    Many people who complain of back pain are looking for an answer to the question “what is good for back pain?” It is recommended that people who work at a desk job in particular make some adjustments to their environment. For example; ergonomic chairs designed to keep the waist and back straight should be used, and care should be taken to ensure that the computer monitor is at eye level. In addition, standing up at regular intervals and taking a 5-10 minute light walk will help protect against back pain. Doing various physical exercises that are good for back pain under the supervision of a doctor also helps relieve complaints. It is known that movements that strengthen the abdominal muscles can also be good for back pain. Simple measures such as avoiding a hunched posture, taking daily walks, and sitting upright also help protect against back pain.

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